Pretty cool!
I really like the feature that lets you customize a re-occuring habit, and how many times you do it a day! :D
This app helps motivate me to do daily tasks like drinking water, exercising and the like.
The sound effect when you complete a task is cute, along with the gold stars you can collect.
4/5 because its satisfying to use but I personally had to pair it with another app to really get things done.
Limit to 3 habits unless if you upgrade is understandable because app developers would be broke otherwise.
I would definitely upgrade if I thought the upgrades were worth it. I just dont see anything that compels me to spend $5.49 :(
If the upgrade contained /really/ gorgeous themes (that changed the layout or something, or at least a lot more changes color + texture-wise) I could see myself upgrading. $5.49 is pretty high though.
Im willing to help create some designs for the app.
ExploringJunk about
Habit Streaks: Create Good Habits, Break Bad Ones., v1.79.10